Friday, June 6, 2014

Reflections on the Road to Recovery from Alcoholism- memory problems

.....on the Road to Recovery

                            We are slow learners and fast forgetters!

I heard this at a meeting yesterday.  Although there is obviously some humor intended, I believe its an important message for those who have been sober and in recovery for a while.

We cannot sit on our laurels and expect to have contented sobriety. Our sobriety (soundness of mind) is contingent on our daily spiritual condition.

In order to maintain this spiritual condition, we need to be "fed" on a regular basis things that aid us in maintaining and growing the tools that we have that keep us on the right path.

In my recently published book (page xix), "Under Construction, 25 Life-Giving Tools for Addicts in Recovery," I wrote this:

 "Depending on where you are in recovery, some of this information may be instructional. However, for many of us, it will merely serve as a reminder of things we have already heard, understood, and incorporated in our lives, but have just been forgotten momentarily."

The point being that what we have learned in our recovery  needs to be reinforced on a regular basis to keep it fresh in our minds and actions. Regular meeting attendance is the best way I have found to ensure this happens.

Have you found this to be true in your recovery?

Monday, June 2, 2014

Reflections on the Road to Recovery from Alcoholism- counting days?

.......on the road to Recovery

                                                Counting days... AND... Making days count

I recently heard the statement:  You shouldn't count days (of sobriety), but instead make the days count. I've heard a lot of opinions on this  topic of time vs. quality in AA and other addiction recovery programs.

My attitude is: Both are important.