Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Changing us -recovery from alcoholism



"Bless him/her....change me"

How does change happen with you?

When you have a resentment toward someone,  do you think this prayer would help? Why?

What have your experiences been trying to change others?


  1. Change happens very slowly with me and is usually accompanied by alot of prayer. Change is always stressful and uncomfortable--even good change. So, I pray for God to give me the strength, patience and courage to handle change. I think this prayer would help immensely & closely parallels the acceptance prayer. In my experience, inside and outside of AA, you cannot change another person. Nor can you make them do what you want them to do, even if you think it would help them. What I can change is me, my attitude and my reaction/response to people and situations. I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving with your loved ones!!!!

    1. Im finally starting to give up trying to change people -to get them to do what I think would be good for them. I'm beginning to understand that's God's work. I may have a though or two a message for them- but then I need to turn the rest over to God.

      As Steve says- Happy Thanksgiving to all! Blessings Rick

  2. Best of luck with the new book Rick. I know it will be amazing like your first one and I will be first in line to buy it. Use your gift my friend!!!!!

    1. Thanks for your words of encouragement, Steve. I'm very excited about the new book. Rick
