Reflections ............................on the Road to Recovery
Helping others (12)
One day I informed my home group that I was worried about things in my life, that I felt depressed, and my spirituality was not very good. I asked them to help fix this (me).
They replied almost immediately and unanimously. "Help someone else - anybody."
Why do you think they said this?
Do you find that this "tool" works for you?
What do you think about the "anybody" (meaning the person doesn't necessarily have to be an alcoholic) part of the statement?
I think they said this so you'd get out of your own head. People in recovery can be their own worst enemy. This tools works for me every time and it helps me shift the focus off myself and my problems--real and imaginary!! I'm glad you asked the "anybody" question. Of course I want to help any person who needs help. I have been blessed by God to even be here. And I'm quite sure it's God's will that we help any and all of his children!!!