Saturday, June 22, 2013

Words I like (want) and dont like-(need)

While in my disease my focus and attitude were on these words:

Fast, easy, immediate and comfortable

In recovery I’ve been directed to these words and attitudes:

Thoroughness, perseverance, discipline, delayed gratification and growth

My reaction to this realization:

I still really like the first set of words-but know that to be who God wants me to be- and a person I will like and respect- I must strive to accept and incorporate the second set of words- (ouch)

I’m still under construction but getting better.


  1. Well I'm impressed my friend, you got the word discipline out in one try. I'm also partial to the first list, but have come to accept that if I don't strive to achieve those things in the second list I'll more than likely be unable to hold onto the small piece of Sanity that I have, through God's grace, managed to attain. How's that for a run on--lolol!

  2. I was feeling OK about myself until I read delayed gratification. I like what Steve said. I have to shoot for those things in order to remain and/or become more joyous, happy and free.

    All I can say is thank God it is progress, not perfection :)

    1. LOLOL-Could not agree more Jeffrey!!!!

  3. Yep got to have a set of tough goals to streeeetch me (ouch!)
